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A comprehensive look at the Council on Foreign Relations, United Nations and other NWO Orgs (Pgs 1-3) The Legacy Media (pg 4) Education and Ideological Subversion (Pg-5) The Federal Reserve (Pg 6) The Spiritual Wing (Pg 7) Geoengineering (Pg 8) Progressivism and Funding (Pg 9)  Tons of links to articles, books, documents & videos. 

If you do not subscribe to the notion of a world government you are not paying attention. It already exists. The proof? The global reaction to the manufactured pandemic was universal. One size fits all. Sweden being the only exception. Here in the US, the global merger of 21st century corporatism and communism is well under way via falsely claimed emergency powers. Irregardless of the Constitution, Bill of Rights or election laws, the globalists are now rapidly advancing their agenda. Those of us awakened are now witnessing the greatest assault on America in her existence. An executive ordered transformation of America led locally by the external powers of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Blackrock, the UN and a vast network of Soros funded NGO's. Globally directed by CFR sister-org The Royal Institute of International Affairs, the international central bank cartel, the WEF, IMF, NATO & the Vatican. The global propaganda source being Tavistock Institute. The goal is a hybrid of corporatism at the government level and communism at the citizen level promoted in the name of social justice, climate change, and a manufactured pandemic. With the media under global control, this is concurrent in all Western civilization. The media has been essential in sustaining the narrative, the fear, the division and civil unrest. All of this provides the false justification for the transformation of America and the West. Yet many, void of even a trace of awareness, still tune in for their daily dose of misinformation and fear mongering. With We the People divided, and the government secretly united, the United States of America has been sold out. 

A two tiered system of injustice is the fly on top of an immeasurable pile of hypocrisy.  The Washington Establishment have defaulted to Neo-Marxist techniques including critical race theory, cancel culture, anti-Christianity and antisemitism. Identity politics has been exploited beyond measure. Massive corruption at all levels of the government have been exposed lending to an "in your face" tyrannical government. Never forget the fence garnished with razor wire that surrounded our nation's Capitol. In response to a video clip taken out of context, BLM racked up billions in damages during mainly peaceful protests. ANTIFA is no different than ISIS. A well organized, well funded covert militia for the purposes of destabilizing regions within a nation. Yet both Marxist organizations escape justice while the Jan 6th "insurrectionists" remain incarcerated. For trespassing.

Albeit the lack of munition discharge and mortar fire, we are at war. A silent war. A war of ideology. A war promulgated by pseudoscience, psychological warfare and virus/vaccine warfare. It is mankind vs the global elite in their conquest for a totalitarian world. Simply stated, it is good vs evil. We have witnessed a series of destabilization techniques typically reserved for foreign countries. A weaponized media yielding a Marxist false reality; an inversion of truth. Everything is backwards. Big tech buries truth. Social media restricts, labels and "fact checks" content. The Mockingbird media cries "conspiracy theory". A timely pandemic provides cover for a global, covert financial assault. Basic human rights have now been violated without precedence. Mandates replace law, climate-fear injected right after the graphene oxide ... it is all forced collectivism. For the greater good we are being psychologically conditioned for global communism. A compromised Joe Biden and his son are under the boot of world government via the CFR. The ultimate goal is a world few will recognize and Biden will sign anything put before him to promote it. He doesn't have a choice. And if you disagree with any of it, you may well find the FBI at your door step.


One must ask oneself, If the NWO promoted ideology is truly for the better of the world, why disguise it?

Why deceive the world in order for them to accept it?

Was the pandemic planned? see event 201. 

Are we witnessing the first commandment of the Georgia Guidestones?

Full length video of the arrest of Floyd go HERE. Also note, MN AG Keith Ellison is an ANTIFA supporter.

For the real agenda behind "black lives matter" view this 1969 video by G. Edward Griffin. Additional footage HERE.

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Make no mistake about it, we are where we are because of the illusion of a two party system and the failure or reluctance of We the People to address it. The election of an "outsider" exposed corruption in Washington and placed a long overdue spotlight on the bi-partisan DC Establishment. With their destructive plan for America, massive corruption and unadulterated evil exposed, these uni-party bureaucrats have now blatantly turned on America. Shocker. Their media-induced false reality deceives the masses, yet millions have been awakened to the lies, the false flags, the manufactured crisis/pre-planned solution. You either get it, or you don't. In true communist fashion, the goal is to silence those that get it. Following the staged January 6th Capitol breach it has become crystal clear why the post 9/11 domestic surveillance bill was named "The Patriot Act". Not only does the Establishment want to silence the opposition, they want to prosecute under the guise of domestic terrorism. Consistently, any and all opposition is accused of exactly what the ruling elite are guilty of themselves.

America will soon be unrecognizable if people do not wake up, recognize the deception and identify the real enemy. The enemy that has infiltrated our government, media, and universities. Slowly they have removed God from America while flooding the country with immigrants, drugs, poverty and deception. For decades these globalists have purposefully rallied the economic decline of America. An orchestrated transfer of wealth from us to them. They have intentionally led us to war for the purpose of population control by sending hundreds of thousands of young men into battle all while yielding personal financial prosperity. Christians persecuting Christians with a paycheck. Think about this, why have thousands of our armed forces died in wars, supposedly against communism, while the USA now sits at its doorstep? Instead of succumbing to the division they propagate, we should be seeking unification by cause of a common enemy.


We are in uncharted territory in our nation.  The levels of corruption, the forces of big bank, big tech, big corp, big pharma, the legacy media are all conforming to a common goal of consolidated power. The Establishment and the United Nations continue to erode our sovereignty. USMCA, the North American Union in disguise, is now in place and the largest transfer of wealth in the history of mankind via the "coronavirus bailout" is complete. The nation is now back under Leftist control by design. You can't get to communism via capitalism. It has ALL been loosely scripted political theater playing off of social media trends. An extravagant portrayal of how our gov't is intended to work. Anti-American bipartisan collusion, camouflaged by controlled opposition. Wrap your head around that. World government is controlling the world. Period. If you were truly paying attention, you should have an ever-growing list of questions for Donald J Trump.

Here is a must watch video on that very subject by G. Edward Griffin.

US politics are now more global than ever. With a manufactured pandemic combined with a manufactured climate crisis, 2020 was the year the power elite would implement their plan for the world. Not only did biowarfare enable the fraudulent election, but served as cover for a global financial transformation. Having served infinite causes, COVID-19 began the implementation of Larry Fink's Going Direct Reset which corresponds directly with the WEF's Great Reset. Being led by Blackrock, the UN, IMF & the World Economic Forum and what is reffered to as the Global Public-Private Partnership, this global transformation is completely out in the open yet many are unaware.  Stakeholder capitalism will usher in global communism and collectivism is the ideological tool to get society blindly on board. All camouflaged by the United Nations 2030 agenda. Global central bank manipulations and the "build back better" initiative were the financial & structural setup to rob western civilization and move it towards a digital currency. This, hinged to a social/climate scoring system, will yield totalitarian control of what is left of the world population. Supply chains being interrupted, an obliterated workforce, an all-out assault on energy, sanctions on Russia, it all forces hyper-inflation on a dead dollar thus paving the way for a cashless society.  Related information:

Video explanation of going direct reset: Quantitative Easing Is the Biggest Sham Ever

Who Owns Big Pharma & Big Media? You’ll Never Guess (must watch video re: great reset in article)

Part I: Stealing The Global Commons And Everything Else

Financial Takeover & Your Bank Account – BlackRock, Envestnet/Yodlee, and The Federal Reserve

Fauci, the CCP virus and the immorality of billionaires:

If you read through the links above it should all now be perfectly clear. Even the deception was deception.  ALL media sources continue avoiding the real story outlined above but now reveal the first round of deception with stories such as those below. Many refuse to even believe Fauci was a fraud, let alone realize the true agenda of COVID.

Dr. Fauci backed funding for controversial Wuhan lab studying origin of coronavirus

Fauci colluded with communist China to lie about coronavirus “pandemic”

Why an experimental "vaccine" that isn't a "vaccine" when Hydroxychloroquine and/or Ivermectin works exceptionally well if treatment begins early? Studies now show that early COVID CDC guidelines, such as ventilators, contributed to death. Death certificate reporting altered to include all deaths as COVID and Medicare payment increased to support it. Once the numbers were established for fear, the pandemic shifted to a "casedemic" with "the number of cases" sustaining the pandemic and dominating the news cycle. The PCR test flawed by exceeded cycle thresholds yielded a high percentage of false positive results. And then... gene therapy marketed as a vaccine and forced upon the world. The media paid to promote it without question.

It is an all or nothing, full-on attempt to advance world communism using strategically chosen crises. World health, the future of planet Earth! OMG *insert scream* We must act now! Political suicide if you don't play along. Add to this a "bottom up" transformation of America as we see the results of liberal schools/universities indoctrinating our youth. If that is not enough, thousands of lower level government positions, labor/teacher unions, churches, the media and even our military have been infiltrated by radical Leftists.  And, of course, the traditional top down assault on America via the uni-party federal government and their lying media outlets.


The globalists have been trying to provoke a civil war. And now? Perhaps WWIII. Fueled by social media, handhelds and 24 hour news networks, global chaos cannot be denied. Those in pursuit of global government are now relentless. It has literally been one crisis playing off the prior since 9/11. Conservative reaction to massive voter fraud was exploited by the media calling the capitol attack "INSURRECTION"! Anyone with a brain saw it as cover for Biden's late night confirmation to late night election theft. Citizens around the world fight for their freedom from medical tyranny. The goal? Order out of chaos. 

A. New. World. Order.



“Today, Americans would be outraged if UN troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow, they will be grateful. This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all people of the world will plead with world leaders to deliver them from this evil….individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by their world government.”   Henry Kissinger 1992 

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.              Ephesians 6:12


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