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The Mainstream Media:

Your television has been weaponized against you, against the truth and against the sovereignty of America. This is a harsh statement. This is the truth. NEARLY all sources of media are controlled and the news is nothing short of psychological warfare. The goal of the mainstream media (MSM) is to sway public opinion, increase/sustain the division in this country and ultimately advance the agenda of the wealthy elite in pursuit of global government. What started with control of the top 25 newspapers has since grown to encompass 97% of all sources.

The fact that ABC, CBS and NBC all air the same content and use the exact same words in talking points should raise a red flag. The relentless attacks on former President Trump should have raised another red flag. The lack of professional, investigative reporting with networks spewing damaging stories on innocent people should alarm everyone.  In addition to the excessive bias, the MSM will have you believe that socialism is a peaceful, compassionate alternative to capitalism while in actuality it is anti-American, inhumane and economically unsustainable. The MSM also promotes "Cultural Marxism" as described below.

What people fail to realize is that the media operates in exactly the opposite fashion for a President who is "one of their own" hiding pertinent information from the American people regarding global advancements affecting the economy, immigration or unbalanced trade agreements. As pointed out earlier, investigations into the CFR/TC were squelched by lack of media coverage and you will very rarely hear the CFR mentioned anywhere.

​JFK's infamous 1961 Secret Societies Speech to the "Free Press" Video here.

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Media control:

The media has been transformed in to the weapon it is today through the passing of the McCain-Feingold Act of 2002. This Soros directed and funded legislation allowed for redirected political contributions to a vast network of Soros funded "527 Committees". These tax exempt, non-profits are the sources of nearly all the MSM propaganda and operate as the platform for the "open societies" agenda. Many are calling this activity illegal as these tax exempt special-interest groups were technically supposed to be independent of, and unaffiliated with, any party or candidate. 

The CFR and the MediaThis is a great site! Use it to educate! 

CFR Control of Major Media Sources

Morning Joe co-host Mika Brzezinski is the daughter of Zbigniew Brzezinski who co-founded the Trilateral Commission with none other than David Rockefeller. Both Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough are CFR members. Other CFR members in the MSM include: Christiane Amanpour, Maria Bartiromo, Tom Brokaw (BofD), Erin Burnett, Juju Chang, Katie Couric, Richard Engle, Peter Jennings, Andrea Mitchell, Les Moonves, Rupert Murdoch, Kitty Pilgrim, Dan Rather, Trish Regan, Charlie Rose, Diane Sawyer, Bob Schieffer, Dan Senor, Leslie Stahl, George Stephanopoulos, Jessica Tarlov, Ali Velshi, Barbara Walters, Brian Williams, Judy Woodruff, Paula Zahn and Fareed Zakaria (BofD). To name a few.

Political Correctness, Propaganda and The Psychological Affect:

Once you have gained the knowledge regarding the globalist elite agenda and the media machine it controls, the propaganda becomes very obvious and in itself proves that this is not conspiracy theory. This is a look at a few of the causes of civil unrest.

For the future of America it is critical that this information become common knowledge. It is not going to be taught in our schools nor aired on TV. On the contrary political correctness and identity politics are taught and propagated to attack the 1st Amendment and promote collectivism. This, my friends, is only a part of Cultural Marxism, the path to communism. It is a clever, gradual, seemingly decent form of propaganda. Example: Diversity and inclusion are two key buzz words among liberals. The truth is, diversity divides and inclusion welcomes it. Borders and patriotism unite and both are under attack. The ultimate goal is to destroy the 1st Amendment, history, traditional family values, individual rights and cause moral destruction. It blurs the lines of gender to destroy masculinity/femininity and incites sexual immorality on several levels. Another primary effect is population control.


Under the false reality of Marxism everything is backwards. What was once right is now wrong and what was once wrong is now right. Make no mistake, this is destroying Christian America and the mainstream media uses the mainstream media to promote it. The spiriual wave of radical political correctness is so effective that nearly all large denominational churches have joined the WCC and have changed their own rule books in order to be socially compliant with the times. When in fact, they are promoting their own destruction.

For an in depth read on the history and dangers of cultural Marxism, go here.

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Click here for A brief history of political correctness.

George Carlin may have said it best "Political correctness is fascism pretending to be manners"

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!          Isaiah 5:20


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