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Our Educational Institutions and the Plan:

Initially included in the control of newspaper content was also the control of publishing companies of educational text books. This is quite disturbing as it strikes at the very core of our innocence. This initially started in our public schools but now nearly all educational institutions promote the Marxist ideology intended by these global leaders and their many tax sheltered foundations. These universities often publish studies to the MSM to sway public opinion as well.The presence of this liberal ideology has existed for some time. Combine these students with illegal immigrants* and it would appear that the Democratic party now believes it has the numbers to make a major advancement in agenda.

Below is a video of Yuri Bezmonov a KGB defector who warned America of Ideological Subversion. The four steps of this process are: 1. Demoralization (Marxist indoctrination), 2. Destabilization, 3. Crisis and 4. Normalization. Step 1 has been ongoing for several generations. Step 2 is ongoing and has been relentless during the Trump administration. Step 3, the crisis...  should be obvious. And step 4, "normalization" aka "the new normal..." sound familiar? This is how to destroy a nation without firing a single shot.

Here is an excellent article: Socialists Are Stealing Elections And Destroying The Republic

*Regarding immigration, I would like to point out that this is big business on both sides of the aisle and is why immigration reform has been an issue for decades. Here is an article explaining why the U.S. Chamber of Commerce pays politicians to keep the system broken. 

While the election process is currently under attack, Democrats/Establishment cannot legally eliminate it, but through fraud, massive immigration and predominate liberal education they can render it useless!   Welcome to 2022.


The UN & the bottom up transformation of America. Think about this there will be no checks or balances on any agenda. The North American Union will be established and a global government shortly thereafter. The United Nations 2030 Agenda appears to be the driving force. Here is a quote from the book "The Babylon Code" by Paul McGuire:

"The UN is not asking permission, but issuing a command that the entire planet will commit to 17 sustainable development goals and 169 sustainable development targets designed to radically transform our world by 2030. The UN 2030 plan promoted by the Pope will advance Agenda 21 on steroids. Through a controlled media the mass populations will be told that this is all about saving the environment and “ending poverty.” But that is not the true agenda of Agenda 21. The true agenda of Agenda 21 is to establish a global government, global economic system, and global religion. When UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon spoke of “a dream of a world of peace and dignity for all” this is no different than when the Communists promised the people a “workers paradise.”

This new U.N. plan reads "all countries and stakeholders, acting in a collaborative partnership, WILL implement this plan consisting of  17 sustainable development goals and 169 very specific sustainable development targets.

Below is an excellent 2018 video regarding the UN, migration, 2030 agenda and world government.

Related Articles:

The United Nations 2030 Agenda decoded: It's a blueprint for the global enslavement of humanity under the boot of corporate masters.

The UN Secretary General addresses the Council on Foreign Relations. A line that popped out at me while explaining the need for global governance was "threats that cross borders in an instant." Full address here..

How the UN's Sustainable Development Goals Undermine Democracy

Democrats are Surrendering Our Sovereignty to the United Nations

New World Order Activated: The Truth About UN's “Global Goals”

The United Nations Exposed: Who Is In Control?  This article connects the CFR. Surprise, surprise.


Parents I can not emphasize enough to discuss with your children what is being taught to them at school on a daily basis!!!   DO NOT trust our public schools! 

While Nikki Haley withdrew the US from UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) prior to resigning as US Ambassador to the UN. This is fantastic news parents but it will take a long time and a lot of effort to restore our schools and universities. Fight the good fight, stay involved.

Anti-facsist, communist, Trump-Pence regime haters known as ANTIFA are being indoctrinated in our liberal universities and socialist cities are allowing them to violently demonstrate with little to no consequences.

Antifa Plots Mass Uprising, Showing its True Communist Intent

Admit It, American Colleges Do Indoctrinate Students

Democratic Leaders Of Portland Allow Antifa To Terrorize And Threaten Citizens With No Police Intervention

And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.

And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.

And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.

                                                                                                                      Matthew 24:10-12


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