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Climate Change:

Climate change can no longer be ignored but should never have become politicized. It would appear that things are far worse than one could imagine or at least that is what they want us to believe. Are we again being deceived on a massive scale? Is the UN biased Establishment now using climate change as the catalyst to promote radical change, bring in socialism and eventually world government?  It would appear that not only are we the people excluded in the conversation about our climate,  but we must except a radical change in government for a radical approach to resolve CO2 emissions. So much for prioritizing our planet and a common sense, bi-partisan approach. 

Lets first look at the obvious. After all our weather data only goes back to 1880 so it's safe to say we really don't know that much. Our weather could deviate drastically every 500 or 1000  years  and be normal. We don't know. Here is a good article from the British Geological Survey: What causes the Earth's climate to change?   From NASA: Natural Causes of Climate Change 

From the CATO Institute: Does Science Tell the Truth?

I think the next logical stance would be to say that our climate is being forced to change. The following is a  look at how this is accomplished. 

Goodbye Blue Sky   "Look mummy there's an airplane up in the sky": 

The never ending contrails in the sky can no longer be denied and have actually acquired the name chemtrails. These chemtrails stretch endlessly across the sky eventually spreading out and forming a noticeable haze. A normal contrail dissipates much faster and often can been seen at the same time for comparison. ​In an effort to increase the reflectivity of the stratosphere, reflective nano-materials (aerosols) are being injected by jet aircraft creating these chemtrails. This process is called stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI) and the effort is being called solar radiation management (SRM)

The Degrees Initiative provides governance of SRM research and the following statement is from them:

The artificial injection of aerosols (to mimic sulfur dioxide emission from a volcano's eruption) could also produce a cooling effect. It has been suggested that releasing a sufficient quantity of aerosols (such as sulfate particles) could reduce some of the effects of climate change at relatively low cost. Furthermore, the cooling effects of stratospheric aerosols are expected to be relatively evenly distributed around the world.

They also will tell you that there are numerous risks, all obvious, but it appears they are progressing with the actual testing on a global scale. Marine cloud "brightening" is also among the agenda having the same affect.

Solar radiation management: the governance of research - PDF

CBS article on SAI here. Harvard cost study here. Look Up! Video Here

Below is a quote from Connecting the Dots– Potential Cause of the 9/11 First Responder Illnesses and The Purposes Behind Chemtrails describing the process of using chemtrails in conjunction with high frequency antenna arrays to force and direct precipitation. It ties the materials used to 9/11 ground zero dust particles as well. It is a long article, for the chemtrail related information scroll down to "Now how does this mesh with the purposes behind chemtrails? The technology described in this article is absolutely real.

"and by repeatedly heating the air mass, you can keep the moisture aloft and use the process as a conveyor to transport moisture from one area to another area targeted for heavy rainfall or flooding.  This is exactly what is happening today– our water is ending up in the central United States where crops are being wiped out by too much precipitation."  

Here is a Reuters article claiming climate change caused the 2019 spring flooding in the mid west and the resulting livestock and farm land issues.  As a result of suspected weather modification , 43 Iowa counties (where Democrat campaigning has already started) have been placed under disaster proclamations. Here is another Reuters article connecting current methods of grain storage caused by the China "trade war" to the devastation.


It is believed that (SRMGI) monitors the research that is not being done. Directly from SRMGI's website: "SRM has the potential to reduce some of the impacts of climate change but it could also be very risky. Overall, it is unclear whether it would be helpful or harmful." Nice. Here is a link to a list of SRMGI partnerships.

Click here for an interesting article from The Keith Group at Harvard University basically saying there is no credible evidence indicating SRM is being tested but in the following paragraph explains the exact technology. 


Below is a video of former CIA Director John Brennan speaking at the CFR about Chemtrails (called Stratospheric Aerosol Injection here) Given Brennan's connection to globalism and hatred of Trump, this raises even more concern. Our climate, the future of our planet, has quite possibly been politicized as the ultimate leverage for radical social change. The truth about the health of the atmosphere is being held hostage by the global elite. So why not screw with with the weather it's probably the only thing our government hasn't completely screwed up yet.

The CFR/UN Connection:

Maurice Strong, the godfather of the environmental crisis, was working for the UN in New York when he met David Rockefeller (CFR/Trilateral) gaining many influential contacts. In 1972 Strong headed the Stockholm Conference (the world's first environmental conference) and later the UN's Environmental Program. He was the first to recognize the potential in using our climate as a tool for political gain. 

Related Articles:

Meet Maurice Strong: Globalist, Oiligarch, “Environmentalist”

Draconian UN Climate Agenda Exposed

So what is the UN's current position on climate change, the environment and global government? Video here.

One should also read the UN's 2030 Agenda to understand the overall goal of forcing climate change to force world government.

SAI and Agriculture:

Rosalind Peterson, co-founder of the California based Agriculture Defense Coalition speaks about the effects of weather modification programs on agriculture. Video here.

For current information regarding geo-engineering please visit the following links 

Chemtrails, Atmospheric Geoengineering and Environmental Warfare

Geo-Engineering Watch

Climate Viewer News

Chemtrail Safety Lots of good information here.

Under an Ionized Sky: From Chemtrails to Space Fence Lockdown a book by Elana Freeland


A 1996 USAF document about weather modification for military advantage:

The Ultimate Weapon of Mass Destruction: “Owning the Weather” for Military Use

The original document "Weather As A Force Multiplier: Owning The Weather In 2025" here. 

(The introduction scenario itself is shocking and specifically mentions airborne cloud generation). 

HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program)

We are led to believe that the HAARP facility in Gakona, Alaska is no longer in use. This may very well be true, but that does not mean the involved technology has been discontinued but rather updated to a more inconspicuous means of signal transmission. NEXRAD doppler radar systems are a prime suspect. Here is an excellent article regarding that subject among many others: 

US Air Force Admits They Can Control the Weather

Be sure to watch this video in which USAF Dr. Walker states HAARP's purpose "to inject energy into the ionosphere and be able to actually control it". This, used in conjunction with chemtrails, is believed to be the current process of weather control. While I have witnessed the cloud forming chemtrails, I have also seen them above storm clouds when they begin to break. These obviously serve a different purpose.

Below is a 1997 quote from former Secretary of Defense William Cohen:

“Others [terrorists] are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves… So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations…It’s real, and that’s the reason why we have to intensify our [counterterrorism] efforts.”

Unfortunately, but predictably, control of this technology has fallen in the hands of those in pursuit of global government. Induced climate change will win and we will lose our freedoms as a result unless we can educate the masses on this issue as well. I point them out to people when I can, it is hard to do as it is very unsettling but I think everyone needs to know what is going on.

HAARP: Secret Weapon Used For Weather Modification, Electromagnetic Warfare

HAARP: A lesson in post-modern warfare

Weather modification is actually nothing new...

Weather Modification History

Below is a full length movie from Dane Wigington at, this needs to be viewed by everyone alive and breathing.

Fear is a common tactic of the globalist.  Economic crisis, foreign nuclear threats and climate change are often used as propaganda to scare people into thinking that a one world government might be a good idea. What a lot of people fail to realize is that The Fed causes the economic crisis, the CFR start the wars/threats and there is now proof our government is forcing climate change. 

Update: The more research I do, the less I believe atmospheric aerosols are used just to form clouds and reduce global warming. For the resolute, here is an article explaining the multiple technologies and testing being carried out in our skies.

Chemtrails: Aerosol and Electromagnetic Weapons in the Age of Nuclear War

The most commonly reported materials in chemtrails are barium (Ba) and aluminum (Al). Ba Al Baal. Just sayin'.


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