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The Progressive Movement:

First lets point out that this is nothing new but a repeat of ideology from over 100 years ago. The following is directly from Wikipedia:

"The Progressive Era was a period of widespread social activism and political reform across the United States that spanned from the 1890s to the 1920s. The main objectives of the Progressive movement were eliminating problems caused by industrialization, urbanization, immigration, and political corruption. The movement primarily targeted political machines and their bosses. By taking down these corrupt representatives in office, a further means of direct democracy would be established."

Sound familiar? Indeed it does. But, now it is reversed. The CFR establishment created by John D. Rockefeller, the target 100 years ago, have turned the tides and are targeting Trump who is exposing their corruption. The MSM is the weapon of choice to convince America that Trump is the corruption.The truth has been inverted. In everything. Meanwhile CFR members on the Republican side of the aisle make sure he accomplishes as little as possible (Collins, McConnell, Ryan and others). Back then alcoholic beverages were targeted. Today it is borders, capitalism, democracy, Trump, babies, free speech, gender, Christianity, national sovereignty, cows, Trump supporters, the internal combustion engine, guns, liberty and the constitution. And I'm sure I left something out. 

For the Progressives, freedom is redefined as the fulfillment of human needs decided by race and identity. This becomes the primary task of the state with the view that government at every level must be actively involved in these reforms. They believe the existing constitutional system is outdated and must be made into dynamic, evolving law of social change, aided by controlled research and the development of administrative bureaucracy in every facet of our lives. 

Funding and Influence By:

George Soros - Open Society Foundations OSF affiliates to further the Hungarian-born philanthropist’s agenda seeking to destabilize legitimate governments, erase national borders, target conservative politicians, finance civil unrest, subvert institutions of higher education, and orchestrate refugee crises for political gain. Read here. Soros is a member of The Council on Foreign Relations. Patrick Gaspard, the former Obama White House political director, now runs Soros' Open Society Foundations.

Soros also funds Common Cause which is an organization in direct opposition with the Convention of States. Soros donates to who is responsible for the many staged demonstrations around the country. 

The Center for American Progress and Center for Economic and Policy Research are think tanks supported by Soros as well.

For a list (with descriptions) of all Soros funded organizations, including Media Matters, brace yourself and click here.

The Neo-Progressive Machine and the Justice Democrats: Here is an excellent article with background information on AOC, Zack Exley, Saikat Chakrabarti, Alexandra Rojas and many other ultra Left wing activists known as the Justice Democrats.

Barack Obama/Eric Holder - The National Democratic Redistricting Committee (NDRC) doing just as the name implies. One state at a time. This is how America will fall to socialism.

Tom Steyer - Nextgen America  As a member of The Committee of 300, Steyer has supposedly surpassed Soros in Democratic donations. He is the man behind "the need to impeach" campaign.

Steve Phillips - Democracy in Color (Phillips backs Booker and Harris) The San Francisco attorney is a mega-wealthy self-identified student of “Marx, Mao, and Lenin”. He was behind the Rainbow Coalition of Jesse Jackson's campaigns. More here.

And we can not possibly forget Hillary Clinton (video) and the Clinton Foundation.

Clinton Machine.jpg

In summary:  

It is safe to say that the Democratic party as we have known it is gone. It has been hijacked by the Justice Democrats and the many NGO's of George Soros. A clash of new and old Marxists who want to destroy the Republic of America to usher in communism disguised as socialism. They have found little in common otherwise, except for Nancy PelosiHillary Rodham Clinton and several other geriatric commies. The EU is failing fast and serves as a perfect example of why this is not for America. The humanitarian and climate change propaganda is a hoax. Question everything anymore, think global, think corrupt and do not underestimate the evil. If you watch MSM watch One America News (if you get it) or Fox News as the rest is now part of the Democratic party. If you are on SM question the source of the material, fact check it if you can. Combat political correctness. Call it out when you can using good old fashioned common sense as your argument. Talk with your student children regularly regarding their curriculum. Do not hesitate to contact your local representatives. Have their contact information handy. Educate yourself before you vote and don't let mainstream media make your choice. Check to see if candidates are CFR/TC members. And above all EDUCATE OTHERS for this is the only way to turn things around. This is all driven by greed and lust for power. Christians understand perfectly what all this means. If you have not found salvation, I would highly recommend doing so, soon.

Thank you and God Bless America!

Through the amazing power of the Holy Spirit, God hath opened my eyes that I might open yours!

Help those in need find Christ our Savior first, and the truth will follow.

Find God. Find Salvation. Find Truth! GO to Les Feldick Ministries. All episodes on YouTube. 

A couple of my favorite episodes: Book 19-3-2 and Book 21-3-2. 

Brian Kolfage's "We Build the Wall, Inc": Donate/Progress here.

A wise man's heart is at his right hand; but a fool's heart at his left.         Ecclesiastes 10:2

STOP the North American Union

Step-by-step, Canada, Mexico, and the United States are being pushed into an economic and political union much like the European Union.

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