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The Spiritual Wing of the World Government Leadership:

There is a vast amount of conspiracy and urban myth regarding the Illuminati, Freemasons and Skull and Bones Society. These secret societies are mentioned in nearly all the reading I have done regarding the New World Order. They are all accurate in as much that these occult organizations are fundamental in the creation of all the global elite institutions of today. The following is a look at the various means in which these elite paganists choose to try and unify religion in the pursuit of a one world government. 

It's safe to say that the history of spiritual belief among the wealthy elite is rather complex as it dates back to the Tower of Babel as all false religions do. This condensed version comes directly from the book En Route to Global Occupation by author Gary H. Kah. I highly recommend this book. While it was published in 1992, it still holds true today. Kah goes in to much greater detail but a summary on page 83 is as follows:

In 1961 the World Union joined with World Goodwill,  a creation of Lucis Trust. Lucis (or Lucifer) Trust is an offshoot of the Theosophical Society, which is plugged in to the highest levels of Freemasonry. Past and present members of Lucis Trust at that time included David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, Robert McNamara, Paul Volcker and George Shultz. The same crowd that ran the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission. Go Figure.

Another organization with ties to the CFR is the World Council of Churches. The WCC originally set out to unify all Christian churches and as a result nearly all large denominational churches are membersOne should note that these churches do not have to believe in the doctrine of the Trinity to be members. Yes, you read that right. Members of WCC churches should then look at II John 9-11 (below) and make your own determinations regarding your path to salvation. It is believed the goal of the WCC now is to unite all religions. The Jerusalem Post currently reports that the WCC has joined with the UN and EU to boycott Israel.

We must also understand the significance of the New Age Movement as the chosen means to first dilute and then replace Christianity. The New Age Movement consists of a vast, well organized network of trusts, foundations, clubs/lodges, and religious groups whose goal is to prepare the world to enter the New World Order under a unified religion based on theosophy. Which, to my understanding is a modernized version of pantheism.

                                  If Theosophy welcomes all religions then why the attack on Christianity?                          

Related Links:

An excellent slideshow: How the New World Order is Hijacking Civilization

Lucis Trust This links to their site. Notice they tell you right off that Lucis is a form of the Latin word, lux, and means ‘Light’. While this is true, all sources I have encountered say it was originally called the Lucifer Trust.

I also get a little suspicious when a site explains themselves in  meaningless rhetoric...

The New Age Movement based on The Secret Doctrine by Helena Blavatsky.

Alice Bailey was the founder of the Lucis Trust which states "her soul took up its commitment to her Master, and her personality provided full cooperation in the field of her accepted service" ... um I think that means she was possessed folks.

Lucis Trust - The Spiritual Foundation of the United Nations

The Lucis Trust - Satanism and the New World Order

New Age Roots: Dark Foundations of the New World Order

Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son.

If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed:

For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.                       II John 9-11


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