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The Illusion of Democracy in our Constitutional Republic:

How do you defeat a democracy? Control both parties. It is as simple as that yet many fail to accept even the possibility. To my knowledge nearly every President for the last century has been a member of the Council on Foreign Relations  and/or Trilateral Commission . Nearly all top cabinet/administration positions are filled from the CFR as well. Our government, the media, military and universities have been infiltrated by the CFR. The political pendulum just continues to swing Right, Left, Right, Left ... but this is just an illusion. The CFR remain in control of not only government, but the Federal Reserve as well. We have accepted the continuous gradual decline as "just the times we live in" when in reality, it has been a carefully orchestrated transfer of wealth, rights and freedom to a central power via the central bank.


Created in 1921 by Rockefeller and the same plutocrats that created the Federal Reserve, the CFR has been crucial in the control of US policy, both foreign and domestic, for 100 years. It is no coincidence that the UN Agenda 21 shares the CFR's 100th anniversary. Nor is it a coincidence that the 2021 Presidential administration is back under Leftist control. While I have never read a thing, I can't help but believe the CFR had a 100 year goal to implement world government.  I had predicted fraud and a Leftist ideological win in 2020. It had to go that way, again I remind you, you can't get to communism via capitalism.

In the same election year both Democratic and Republican presidential nominees were often backed by the CFR and/or TC. They never lose. This is the deception we have all fallen for. It allows the agenda to be advanced regardless of party. NAFTA is a perfect example of this. Started by H.W. Bush (R), completed by Clinton (D). Often, nothing gets advanced (like immigration reform), kicking the can down the road again and leaving intentionally created loopholes in legislation to further the agenda.

When you see either Conservatives or Liberals supporting an issue that they normally would not, you should realize that the common agenda is likely global in nature and not good for America. Identify the Representatives flipping sides and likely they are CFR members. This has become quite obvious during the Trump Admin. Example, when you saw USMCA being passed during the fake impeachment, it should raise a red flag. Somebody is flipping sides.


Advertised as opposites, supported by the same apparatus, now you get the picture?

An interview with Alex Newman from the article "The New world Order Is Targeting American Freedom".

CFR Membership:

By now you will have realized that those in pursuit of a one world order have infiltrated our government, educational institutions, media, church and entertainment industry. It will become obvious in time as to who the government players are. I often check the CFR membership roster for confirmation. I have learned, however, that often an individual will terminate membership prior to taking office. Others are only term members and will not appear after their 5 year term is complete. It also appears that as public awareness increases, more names are removed. The Trilateral Commission also has a North American roster showing high level execs from all facets of industry, media and banking.


Past and present political CFR members include (this is the tip of the iceberg): 

Stacey Abrams, Madeleine Albright, Lloyd Austin, James Baker, Peter Bergen, Jeff Bezos, Joe Biden, Antony Blinken, Michael Bloomberg, John Bolton, Josh Bolten, Zbigniew Brzezinski, William J Burns, George H.W. Bush, Frank Carlucci, Jimmy Carter, Dick Cheney, Bill Clinton, Chelsea Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Susan Collins, William Daley, Kathryn Wasserman Davis, Jamie Dimon, John Edwards, Dianne Feinstein, Larry Fink (CEO Blackrock), Gerald Ford, Robert M. Gates, Newt Gingrich, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Mikhail Gorbachev, Neil Gorsuch, Alan Greenspan, Richard N. Haass (President), Michael Hayden, Herbert Hoover, Vernon Jordan, John Kerry, Caroline Kennedy, Henry Kissinger, Paul Krugman, Scooter Libby, Joe Lieberman, Alejandro Mayorkas, John McCain, H.R. McMaster, Robert McNamara, Janet Napolitano, Richard Nixon, Grover Norquist, Barack Obama, Henry Paulson Jr, Colin Powell (BofD), Jerome H. Powell, Gina Raimondo, Condoleezza Rice, Susan Rice, David Rockefeller Jr., John D. Rockefeller III & IV, Nelson Rockefeller, Andrew Shapiro, George Shultz, Andrew Ross Sorkin, George Soros, Jake Tapper, Richard Thornburgh, Janet Yellen and Philip Zelikow (Director of 9/11 Commission). For CFR members in the MSM see page 4.


Governors and Congressmen are too numerous to mention. For a list by administration and a categorized list with photos see links below (military, NY Times, Washington Post have their own pages)

CFR Members by Administration going back to William Taft Administration (1909-13) This will blow your mind!

Wikipedia's list of CFR Board of Directors, corporate and notable members

Prominent Members of the Council on Foreign Relations  By category, with photos. Very revealing!

Link above is a great PDF. It shows CFR in everything; gov't, military, all forms of media, universities...

2018 Bilderberg Meeting Participants These would be the world leaders. 2017 Here (John Brennan), 2016.

The fact that you rarely ever hear the Council on Foreign Relations or the Trilateral Commission mentioned on TV or radio is in itself a testament to the power these organizations hold over the media. Here are links to several excellent websites:

The CFR and the Media

One World Governance and the Council on Foreign Relations

The U.S. Elections: Is There Ever A Choice?


Thirst For Justice-The Council On Foreign Relations.pdf

The Global Elite

Moving Toward a One World Government

Who Really Controls the World?

This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.

For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,

Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,

Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;

Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

                                                                                                      II Timothy 3:1-5


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