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The Establishment does not want America to be great again:

This should now be obvious. The farming out of manufacturing/technology through lopsided trade agreements, the endless wars, never ending immigration/refugee resettlement and our failing infrastructure. It is all part of the plan. This is being orchestrated in all Western civilization and in itself debunks conspiracy theory regarding the goal of a one world government. Think of it as the strategic leveling of social class, wealth, resources and jobs globally. The global media machine plays an important role in the distraction from the advancement of establishment agenda, legislature we citizens often know nothing about.  


This is nothing new folks. Robert Welch, founder of the John Birch Society, warned the US of this in a 1958 speech. Below is a clip from that speech and a following speech he made in 1974.

The CFR and Globalization:

With bipartisan control of our government, the CFR has been pushing for the North American Union (NAU) for decades. The links below show the CFR's desire for the NAU and it being a Republican agenda as well.

Is the USMCA the next step towards the North American Union? 

CFR: Building a North American "Community"  This is an article from The Council on Foreign Relations themselves!

North American Union to Replace USA?  (note here that it is a republican agenda!)

Similar to the Euro, this would likely bring about a common currency shortly thereafter. One needs only to look at the EU to realize this would not be good for the US or Canada. USMCA, NAFTA's replacement (negotiated by Robert Lighthizer a CFR member) is not a replacement. It expands NAFTA to include international labor and environment laws and incorporates the UN's Law of the Sea Treaty. This raises a serious red flag. Especially since it was passed while the hate ridden Democrat House was impeaching Trump. USMCA ties directly to Jay Timmons, president/CEO of the National Association of Manufacturers,  the World Trade Organization and the US Chamber of Commerce who makes sure our immigration laws stay broken. Mass cheap labor in the US as in Mexico would destroy the middle class as we know it. Watch for a push for an Article V Convention of States to enable USMCA.

More USMCA information:

What is really going on with the USMCA, NAU, Article V and Red Flag Laws?

The USMCA “Trade Agreement” Violates Our Constitution And Sets Up Global Government

What's Really in the USMCA? (UPDATED)

OttawaU Study Finds 57 Percent of USMCA Copied From TPP

USMCA and the Quest for a North American Union a MUST read article.

Stop the Globalist Trade Agenda (great JBS Article on "free trade")

What’s Wrong With the USMCA?

USMCA is a Trick (Video)

The USMCA Plot for a NAU New World Order (video)

North American Union” Sees Major Movement with U.S. Chamber of Commerce Pushing USMCA Coalition

USMCA Trade Deal Moving Closer to Submission to Congress

Think Tanks:


The 50 Most Influential Think Tanks in the United States  

Billionaires Channel Millions to Think Tanks

Professor John Marini, a senior fellow at the Claremont Institute, explains that Congress has basically farmed out it's job in policy making to think tanks in this episode of Life, Libery and Levin.

A few of the other major think tanks.

Brookings Institution: A Washington think tank dating back to 1916. BI may be the largest pay to play media source in DC. Former Obama National Security Advisor Susan Rice was a BI fellow. Ben Bernanke and Janet Yellen both former Federal Reserve chairs are at BI. CFR member David M. Rubenstein gave $20 million to BI so it is safe to say that BI is also a foreign/domestic policy creator. Here is an article connecting a report to both the CFR and Brookings Institution. It states that for over 50 years BI has been the most significant think tank to influence Democrat administrations, especially on foreign policy.

Center for American Progress: Clinton/Soros funded liberal think tank ran by John Podesta and largely responsible for the drastic left turn of the Democrat party and the radical, progressive ideology being spewed from House freshmen and candidates.

Center for Economic and Policy Research: Soros funded liberal think tank that opposed welfare reform, supports "living wage" laws, rejects tax cuts, and promotes socialism.

Heritage Foundation: Conservative think tank receives funding from Charles G. Koch, CEO of Koch Industries better known a the Koch Brothers. Get your free Guide to the Constitution from The Heritage Foundation HERE.

Claremont Institute: A conservative think tank recently censored by Google so safe to say they are the good guys. Here is a statement from CI: The Claremont Institute has launched a campaign to engage our fellow citizens in discussion and debate about what it means to be an American. As part of that effort, we have begun to point out the increasingly existential danger of identity politics and political correctness to our republic. Claremont Institute website here.

Hoover Institution: Founded in 1919, HI has grown from a small NGO housed within the liberal Stanford libraries to a conservative think tank with 191 fellows. Hoover is part of Stanford University, but is obviously governed by a different structure than the University. Victor Davis Hanson, a senior fellow, appears on Fox News regularly.

Cato Institute: The Cato Institute, a libertarian think tank, is one of the America's most prominent tax exempt policy research organizations advocating less government. Despite its many conservative positions, the CATO Institute also aligns with globalism on many issues, including support for mass immigration, open borders, amnesty for illegals,and support for so-called "free" trade. In July 2018, the institute stated that the U.S. "has nothing to fear, and much to gain, from open borders."

For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.         I Timothy 6:10


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